Scientifically proven ways to better your study habits
With finals coming up, students tend to cram and study the night before. There are various scientifically proven ways to better study habits.
December 5, 2018
As the end of the semester approaches, so do finals. The week before finals is compiled of stress, heavy studying, long nights, excessive coffee, binge snacking and droopy eye bags. The best way to ace your next test is to practice better study skills in order to more effectively improve scores.
Study in intervals.
Studying in intervals and spacing 5-10 minute breaks between 20-50 minutes of studying is more beneficial than cramming. By dividing study periods, your body can produce more fuel for long-term retention.
Maintain balanced diets.
Eating a big breakfast with a diet including high-carb, high-fiber, slow-digesting foods will make an impact on your energy for the week before finals. Oatmeal, almonds, fruit and yogurt make for a super-charged day in order to make more a more balanced diet.
Say yes to exercise.
Just 20 minutes of cardio can improve your memory, increase your energy level and reduce the effects of stress.
Manage time wisely.
Create a balanced study plan to reduce anxiety, increase long-term memory and work habits.
Change studying environment.
Change your study space to a less cluttered area. Instead of sticking to one study space, try altering between the library, a study room or a quiet coffee house.
Get some sleep.
As seen in a 2008 study by Pamela Thatcher, Associate Professor of Psychology at St. Lawrence University, avoiding all-nighters promotes higher test grades. All-nighters can damage reasoning and memory receptors up to four days. Studying the toughest material the night before the test makes it easier to remember the next day.
Make use of practice testing.
Highlighting, re-reading and summarizing is not an effective method for retention in comparison to the advantages of flashcards and practice tests. Online programs such as Quizlet are great tools to help you study and test your knowledge.
Learn your method of study.
Not all students learn alike whether it be visually, auditory, aurally or physically. The more learning styles used, the more the parts of the brain can work to effectively remember information. Learn the method in which you learn best and study in those ways.