Brief: Schoology replaces Jupiter Ed as new system used by teachers

Maria Ruiz, Staff Writer

Schoology is a website that is used throughout Los Angeles Unified School District for teachers to use to input grades and communicate with students and parents.

After using Jupiter Ed to input grades and assignments for all classes, Schoology will become the new site used by teachers for the upcoming school year.

“This was not our decision,” Principal Deb Smith said. “LAUSD schools use Schoology so they have implemented it for our next school year.”

Los Angeles Unified School District has already paid for Schoology to come into effect. Smith does have some small concerns regarding Schoology not having a hotline, which was used by students to report any issue anonymously to her.

“One downside I see is there is no hotline and I believe that is a very important feature because it helps with students’ safety,” Ms. Smith said.

The switch to Schoology has no effect on the grades being inputted into the system. Due to the new features such as being able to sync with MISIS (LAUSD’s My Integrated Student Information System) to input grades for progress or report cards, the program has received a positive reaction from teachers.

“It will take awhile to get used to but it is more powerful and it will be worth it in the long run,” science teacher Steve Schaffter said.