Preparation for Daniel Pearl World Music Day gets underway
October 23, 2015
Junior Matthew Sarenana began playing guitar when he was only 5 years old. He gathered together a bass player, a drummer and a singer to perform as The Sardines in this year’s 6th annual Daniel Pearl World Music Day (DPWMD).
“We wanted to share our love of music,” junior Jon Dumindin said.

Freshman Zach Gephart-Canada listens to instructions from music teacher Wes Hambright during his
audition for the show from Oct.8. Hambright auditioned students for the show in his classroom on Oct. 8 and 9.
Members of the band include Sarenana as the lead guitarist, Dumindin on the drums, senior Daniel Seidman on the bass and senior Janay Lewis as the singer. The band practiced for DPWMD at Dumindin’s house and while they were at school.
”I’m a little nervous because I don’t know how the crowd will react to our performance,” Sarenana said.
Performances for the show will include singing, dance routines, spoken word, choir songs, international speakers and special talents. Spanish teacher M. Orejarena’s dance group is planning to invite the audience to
dance along with them.
“It’s all about having fun and enjoying the music,” Orejarena said.
DPWMD will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room during an assembly on Oct. 28 from 10:30 a.m. to around noon. The new music teacher, Wes Hambright is directing and emcee Rebekah Spector, junior, will host the event.
All freshmen, some upperclassmen, and parents will be invited to the talent show. Journalist Daniel Pearl’s parents, Ruth and Dr. Judea Pearl will attend the show. DPWMD is a month-long event that takes place during Daniel Pearl’s birth month to honor his life and legacy.
Junior Winter Rawson will be performing Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky on the piano, and senior Cedric Eusantos will perform a yo-yo routine for DPWMD.
“I’ve been practicing my yo-yo routine an hour a day and I always play the same music to prepare myself for the timing,” Eusantos said.
Spanish teacher Glenda Hurtado will also have international greeters participate at the event. The greeters are students who represent their own various cultures and they will greet the audience in various languages.
“It’s going to be a little different than before, but it’s still going to be as big,” Hambright said.
Nancy Hambright • Sep 28, 2017 at 6:57 am
I have attended previous years and the kids are amazing, as is their teacher!
Have a fun performance!