Compared to Trump, Clinton is the better candidate

Amanda Jimenez

Hillary Clinton in her long years in politics has established herself a worthy candidate for the Democratic Party.
Hillary Clinton in her long years in politics has established herself a worthy candidate for the Democratic Party.

Despite an email scandal, possible corruption though the Democratic National Convention and Benghazi, Hillary Clinton is ultimately the better choice for president.

Clinton has been First lady, Senator of New York twice and Secretary of State. For four decades, she’s tirelessly overcome many political issues such as providing over 8 million children and 9/11 responders with the health care they deserve.

In 1995, Clinton gave a speech that opened the United Nations views on women’s rights in Beijing. She’s shown the world that both women and LGBTQ rights are human rights.

“Gay people should vote for her,” senior Cameron Vega said. “We need someone to fight for us. She will show everyone that we should have the same rights as heterosexuals.”

Clinton has been a strong contender who fights for the middle class, since the beginning of her career in government. Yet, her past experience is left unnoticed to most Americans because her faults are more prominent and have a greater effect.

“She would be a decent president overall but at the same time we’ve never had a female president,”  sophomore Keith Quiachon said. “I’m not being sexist but she’s the better choice.”

In the first presidential debate, Clinton spoke openly about taking full responsibility for using a private email server as Secretary of State. By taking this step forward, she’s shown all young Americans that mistakes happen and nothing should keep you down.

“She has shown me you can make anything better,” junior Jaleh Moslemi said. “Just try not to make anymore mistakes.”

Though Clinton has made many mistakes in her career, there are many important figures who stand behind her. People such as President Barack Obama and Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

  Even though she’s not been transparent in her ideas throughout her campaign, Clinton is fighting for human necessities like equal rights and pay. Though the polls are very close, that won’t stop voters from admiring everything Clinton’s bringing to the table.

“I support her because she perseveres even though some second guess her ability. She doesn’t let them bring her down,” sophomore Alishon Raymundo said.