Birth control on its way to accessible

Cristina Jercan

With birth control being accessible only with prescription for the past 56 years, it was difficult for teens to acquire the contraceptive. Recently, there has been a law active in Oregon and California that allows for birth control to be prescribed by a local pharmacist or, “over the counter.”

Women in Oregon and California are now able to receive birth control pills over the counter after filling out a questionnaire and quickly consulting with a pharmacist. Many think this makes it an easier and cheaper situation for women who wish to purchase birth control.

Even now as they make it less of a hassle to get birth control, a woman still has to fill out information and get a physical checkup. The only thing changed was where the prescription comes from rather than the means of accessing the pill. Unlike the misleading information people are getting from different sources, birth control isn’t truly an over-the-counter pill yet.

In a January 2016 statement made by American of Obstetricians and Gynecologist, they clarify their statement by saying they are in support of an over-the-counter birth control, that actually is over-the counter. This seems like an accomplishment for women’s health, but women are really just getting a prescription from pharmacists rather than their doctor.

It’s frustrating to see that the government continues to avoid making birth control accessible without any prescription. Its an important medication for women, so why must it be a hassle for women to actually get a hold of it?

Having birth control more accessible to the American female population is a great idea supported by 76% of doctors and 70% of other healthcare providers according to a survey conducted by the University of California San Diego and the University of California San Francisco. Some parents don’t like the idea of having this as an option because it makes it easier for them to not know if their daughter is sexually active since it wouldn’t need to be doctor prescribed.

With birth control being available at a pharmacy without the need of prescriptions from doctors, teens could go to any pharmacy and acquire the pill. Parents don’t understand that if their daughter wants to have sex, she will, just without the pill.

Even though technically birth control isn’t exactly over-the-counter, it’s still important that the process of getting the contraceptive was made easier.