More new staff on campus

Anne Lima


Eileen Mitchell

School Nurse

Photo by Tina Mehriary

1) What days are you on campus?

Currently I work only Thursdays.

2) What have students been coming to you with recently?

For the past month I was working on a lot of student sport applications. But now I am currently working on special education and health reports for IEPs, which is a school nurse health assessment.

3) Since this is your first time at DPMHS what do you think about it?

I think this school is fabulous. I have such a great admiration for journalism and I think it’s wonderful that this school has such a great journalism program for its students.

4) When students come into your office feeling ill what do you do to try to make them feel better so that they can stay at school?

A: Well, school nurses have a motto that we live by, “Healthy students learn better.” Basically we try to optimize health so that students can stay in school. Usually I will evaluate a student, such as take their temperature and ask them a few questions about what they ate and then after I determine if the student needs to go home or can make it through the day.



Photo by Tina Mehriary

School Pyschologist

1) What days are you on campus?

Every Thursday and every other Monday.

2)What other places have you worked at?

I’ve worked at other schools, but mostly with younger children in their homes.

3) What is your background in school psychology?

I majored in school psychology at the Adelphi University in Long Island.

4) Is there an outreach program that you plan on doing with the student body?

Sometime in October Ms. Smith and I have been discussing in trying to piggy back to the  topic of suicide, but more specifically about how students should react when a friend tells them that they’ve been thinking about or are going to kill themselves. We’re going to try to do an assembly with classes during different periods of the day.