Grant Asner

Junior Shawn Abram-Marsden catches up on class criteria with resource teacher Sadia Aziz on Back to School Night. Marsden was told to practice his writing skills, so he wrote a letter on things he loved about a family member.

Bring back the learning center

September 14, 2022

The Learning Center, a safety net that served as a study hall for most students, closed at the start of the fall 2022 semester.

Students used the Learning Center every day for homework, tests, or just for extra time to work on assignments. Students, who often had an Individualized Education Plan, had the opportunity to use the whole period when working on assignments or have a quieter place to do tests or work on projects. The aspect of the class has now changed this semester to serve more as a tutoring center for only a handful of students.

As a student who was enrolled in the Learning Center for three years, I found it helpful. I used the class period to mainly get ahead in my class projects and study for tests. The Learning Center was there for me when I needed that quiet place to get work done. I’d like to see the class open back up for all students who want to be there every day.

Now, Learning Center teachers Sadia Aziz and Evie Stone are usually in other classrooms helping students. However, they still work with a handful of students in the Learning Center to focus on certain skills the students need. 

“At first I saw a lot of push back from previous students who got put into the class but now as they are getting into the routine of their class, I can see the improvements being made,” Aziz said. 

As a productive student, I was annoyed at the fact that students didn’t use the Learning Center properly. In the past, students used this class more as a free period. Instead of doing homework or studying, some went on their phones or just caused problems. 

It was quiet in my freshman year but became chaotic during my junior year. I saw students argue with one another and they didn’t care that a teacher was there. The Learning Center was meant to be there as a class for students to have help, not for problems to be made. So I can see why Aziz and Stone changed the structure of the Learning Center this year in hopes that it would benefit the students who need it the most. 

I believe the Learning Center as a class should be brought back as an option for students to voluntarily take. The Learning Center should be there for students who need the help as well as for students who need that extra time to do their homework, study for tests or class projects.

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