VEX Marks the Spot


Mirabelle Chernick

VEX Robotics aims to inspire students, through both their curriculum and building kits, to foster a passion for science, technology, engineering and math in a hands-on approach. VEX asserts that robotics and related STEM fields are the way of the future and it is thus their mission to engage the problem – solvers of tomorrow early on. With two robotics classes on campus this year, here’s a more detailed look at the three main kits.   

VEX Robotics encompasses 3 subcategories: IQ, EDR, and VEXpro.


IQ: Typically utilized for elementary and middle schools students, VEX IQ is the introductory kit specifically designed to acquaint students with the fundamental skills necessary for VEX Robotics. VEX IQ students are introduced to the complex ideas integral to STEM while simultaneously building robots that are accessible to their young ages and skills. One kit containing the tools, robot programming software, and materials cost $279.99 at minimum.


EDR: VEX EDR, the next step up from VEX IQ, is the curriculum created for high school students. The element of competition is an intrinsic component to VEX EDR demonstrated by regular battles in the classroom as well as the culminating national and international championships. The cost of EDR kits vary based upon the sophistication of the intended robot, although a single EDR starter kit is priced at $439.99. In VEX EDR, students now have the ability to customize the pre-packaged build through programming, creating aids and reconfiguring structures to obtain an advantage over their competitors.


VEXpro: The VEXpro college-level curriculum is based upon the notion that everything can and should be personalized as described by the VEXpro motto “build whatever you can imagine.” As the “veterans” of VEX, students become familiar with potential career paths involving the skills mastered through the curriculum.