Luke Cage branches out into a new series
September 1, 2016
If you’ve been binge-watching TV shows and movies on Netflix over the summer, there’s a chance you might

Luke Cage, a character from the Netflix original Jessica Jones, gets his time in the spotlight with his own show that will premier in September.
have come across the Netflix original “Marvel’s Jessica Jones.”
In this comic book based show, we follow the heroic acts of private investigator Jessica Jones in New York City. However, she also gets help from friend and love interest Luke Cage, an African American bartender with superhuman strength and unbreakable skin. Cage will appear in his own solo series, aptly named “Marvel’s Luke Cage.”
The character, played by Mike Colter, was given superhuman strength and unbreakable skin by a botched experiment. He must now fight for the safety of his city, Harlem, while rebuilding his life as an escaped convict.
If you’re familiar with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you might now that all the films (i.e. “The Avengers”, “Guardians of the Galaxy”) and all the Netflix original series of the franchise take place in the same timeline. The Cage series is no exception.
The show is the third to be released in a deal made by Marvel Studios and Netflix to debut the heroes Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Cage and Iron Fist into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Of course, these Netflix series will eventually cross over into “Marvel’s The Defenders”, where all four heroes will team up to fight crime.
However, it is still unknown how Marvel will tie in “The Defenders” with the rest of the franchise. Despite this, fans can still expect the various Easter eggs cleverly hidden throughout the episodes, referencing previously released Marvel films and shows.
The entire first season of “Marvel’s Luke Cage” will premiere on Netflix on Friday, Sept. 30, 2016.