Private student info released to organization

Rebekah Spector

Judge Kimberly Mueller ruled for the release of 10 million California students’ information to California Concerned Parents Association, a parent-run non- profit group, at the beginning of February.

The information being released includes student names, Social Security numbers, addresses and mental and physical assessments. Information will be provided for any student enrolled in public schools since Jan. 1, 2008.

“I understand that people with disabilities need more care and a school should be aware of this, but there are a whole bunch of students who don’t have disabilities,” freshman Anais Weinstock said. “There should be an alternative from giving all your information away.”

The group, formerly known as the Morgan Hill Concerned Parents Association, has been in a legal battle with the California Department of Education (CDE) for five years over the issue of mainstreaming students with disabilities into general education classes.

The parent group mostly only needs information pertaining to a student’s demographic, school district and the accommodations they need due to their disabilities.

They don’t need to know all of that personal information to help students get good grades or go to college.

— Adi Nagary

Many students are concerned that their privacy is being compensated for no reason.

“They don’t need to know all of that personal information to help students get good grades or go to college,” junior Adi Nagary said.

The California Concerned Parents Association will allow access of information to fewer than 10 people. Their goal is to analyze the students who were diagnosed with some sort of learning disability and see if they are getting their learning needs satisfied.

It’s important to know that information gathered will not be released to the public. Parents and students can opt out of the

information release by April 1 by filling out an objection form posted on the CDE’s website.

“I’d definitely opt out because I don’t fall into that category of students. I don’t want random people to know all of my information,” Weinstock said.