
Zach Adler

We’re all used the cultural adoption of the # (hashtag) and @ (arroba) in the modern lexicon. It’s become an integral way that teenagers talk to each other, much to the confusion and chagrin of those older than them.

But soon, that will all be gone. According to a recent Buzzfeed article, it is rumored that Twitter would be doing away with the use of these signs, making them invisible in posts.

Now just to make it clear, this does not change anything but aesthetics. You’re still able to tag people, reply to other people’s tweets, and label your posts based on keywords (hashtags without the symbol or irony). It’s just a little more streamlined into a single easy-to-navigate conversation that seems more like an actual conversation.

How will this work? Well, it’ll take time to figure out, since this new version of Twitter hasn’t even been released to the public yet. Is it important? Not really.

What this really shows is that Twitter, like Facebook, is trying to throw meaningless curveballs at its users to attract a little more attention and make its display look more sleek. It’s not going to make Twitter work any better. People hate when Facebook makes strange visual changes if only to remind them that Facebook is a compa- ny that has an ever-expanding “vision” of what the digital version of your life should be.

The only difference is that this update seems to be causing a little bit more rustling of feathers (no pun intended) because it seemingly gets rid of something that we are used to. But then again, these things are not going to be removed, just tinkered with. You’re not going to lose your hashtags, however meaningless they are in the grand scheme of things.