Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at USC
May 22, 2013

‘#Whatareyoureading’ was definitely a trending hashtag throughout the weekend of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.
Th Festival of Books was held at USC on April 20 and 21 displaying a plethora of book booths scattered across campus endearing thousands of attendees.
Davy Keo, social science teacher at Daniel Pearl Magnet High School (DPMHS) has volunteered at the Festival of Books for five years in a row, exposing people of all ages to the fun of reading.
“Encouraging students to join the festival gives them a positive perspective of books rather than just thinking poorly of them,” Keo said.
Several students attended the festival to acquire extra credit points for Keo’s class. Keo offered 100 points for showing up and 200 points for finding her at an information booth where she volunteers.
About 72 DPMHS students attended the event, including some who heard author Sarah Dessen at a writer’s panel.
“I’ve been going ever since I was eight years old basically to expand my knowledge of books and tour the beautiful campus,” said freshman Sandra Aguilar.
A news video of the Festival of Books is online at www.ThePearlPost.com.