Nintendo Switch Release

photo from

Sergio Payeras

Many Nintendo fans have already made the switch from their Wii U consoles to the newly released Nintendo Switch.

“I’m really excited for it,” said die-hard Nintendo fan Thomas Short. “I went to the pre-release event and played three of the games.”

Announced October of last year, the new console already sold out its pre-orders, having reached the maximum limit within just one week of its January presentation event. Analysis experts expect that while the system’s relatively high cost will cause it to sell slowly at first, it will most likely sell close to five million units by the end of this year.

The Switch made a big impression on the gaming community, as it combined features of console gaming with handheld gaming. Although Nintendo has tried to do this with the Wii U and 3DS products, the Switch made the impression that the company had finally succeeded in bringing such feature to a larger scale.

“The Switch will definitely be more popular than the Wii U,” said freshman Ethan Van Vliet. “The Wii U pretty much failed to advertise well with the gaming community, but the Switch has been marketed way better.”

Effective marketing is not the only factor that has made the Switch’s reveal effective. The reality is, the name of the console describes exactly what it’s supposed to be. Unlike its predecessors, the Switch finally has a name that makes sense; you can switch the system from console to handheld. It’s that easy.

Most people criticized the Wii and Wii U systems for having a name with almost no meaning. The names are puns on “we” and “you” but do not describe or have nothing to do with the consoles’ features. The Switch, however, has even been praised for being freed from the bad name trend.

With its pre-orders being sold out within a week and a fresh new style of both marketing and naming, the Nintendo Switch may have what it needs to succeed.

“The fact that there’s so many consoles out there and this device can be handheld makes almost everyone want to play the games it has to offer,” said Short. “I would absolutely love to own one of them.”

The Nintendo Switch was released worldwide on March 3.