Multiple factors cause young adults to drink excessively

Joseph Mousaed

Binge drinking has been relevant in the college scene for quite some time and is causing many problems to students’ developing minds.

According to the National Health Service, drinking double the amount of lower risk drinking guidelines in a short amount of time is considered binge drinking.

Students and teens feel pressured to drink by their friends and this causes unwanted risks.

In colleges and universities, students drink to fit in. College parties have this expectation of drinking that pressures students to harm themselves with increased amounts of alcohol.

Peer pressure is a big problem in all sorts of different atmospheres. Binge drinking is one of them. Students and teens feel pressured to drink by their friends and this causes unwanted risks.

One other problem is that students get forced into the drinking scene because of incidents where alcohol is poured into a non-alcoholic drink at a party for example.

Forty percent of college students binge drink far more than the rate of students in high school, reports NYU Steinhardt. This is mainly due to verbal pressure.

Drinking causes many problems in the human body. It leads to impaired vision that can lead to death if the drinker starts operating a vehicle or walks into a dangerous situation.  

Binge drinking is a problem that can only be fixed throughout the support of everyone around these students. Students who are educated about the dangers of drinking are more likely to drink responsibly.